Selamat pengantin Baru to both of you...(kak,u look sooooo gorgeous dat day...ehehe)
Haaa...special utk akak n abg mamat,bunny wat n3 nih semata2 nk tmbh collection n3 utk dis year..hahahaha...eh3...ter'honest plak..huhu...i wrote this dedication for both of u sempena akak n abg mamat melangkah ke dunia baru..ehehe

To akak,
i noe u have been through so many things before..but u managed to handle everything eventho kami adik-adik2 kne menyaksikan beberapa buah phones dikorbankan ke dinding...kne dgr akak marah2...kne be wif u dlm suke n duke..but...we love u soooo much! Personally,bunny rasa pertemuan akak n abang mamat is unique in a way u have search for many guys from around malaysia (hahaha..yo yo ooo) but he is just there in terengganu..plus..he is ur schoolmate! (based on Albita's story mory..kekeke)
You are sooo sweet dat day..i can see u smile from ur heart...may happiness always wif you! Take a good care of him..jgn garang2..(remember 'the secret') ehehehe...u noe dear sis, i'll always noe that u r a wonderful sister for us..
To abang mamat,
Hurm...xdek ape nk flashback psl abg mamat..but,just take a good care of her..accept her the way she is...coz she is special in her own way...talk to her nicely..attend her when she need you...listen to her when she wants to say something...err...i think i dun have to pesan bnyk2 coz i dun want u to wonder y i dunnot marry her in the first place..hahahah...ape la bunny mengarut nih!
Anyway, to both of you...Selamat melangkah ke alam baru...semoga bahagia hingga hujung nyawa...we,ur sisters...pray for your happiness..

P/s:creadit to all cameraman yg telah ku curik gmbrnye..huhu...(tq Mr.Nasir for da 1st pic)
sob sob sob!!!!!!!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!(shoutedless!bukan speechless!)..hahaha..tenkiu bunny..:) hurm..dokleh komen pjg2, kang sebok pa tekok!!!Waaaa..!!!lap u sis!
hahahaha...glad u like it dear sis!
olo3..jgn nangis yep..th ah single lonih..huhu..luv u always!
Wah kak nur!!!bukan main mengancam mase kahwin!heeheee
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