Happy Friday everyone....
There's been a very long time since my last post...huhu..seems to me this is the first post for 2010..=)
Well,i'm not feeling very well today...it has been 3 days having cold and fever...GOSh...poor my dera BEL260 students coz i've cancelled their class 2 times becoz of this...sorry guys!
However, i've promised Asyraf dat i'm going to post a journal today..so..i've to keep my promise!
Hopefully,Asyraf will be happy today..ehehe...
Nothing much to share wif all of you coz my mind is not working very well today..but for a start, i really want to tell all my students for this semester to be happy in my class..learning english is not that hard...it is just dat,you have to converse in english a lot and be ready to start thinking about your future on how it will be if you dunno english...
Wish me all the best to teach you guys...nice meeting all of you! Adios..