You are 24???? Happy Belated birthday dear...yeah..i noe..i noe i'm late...sorry for my late n3 dear...This is one special n3 for you...enjoy..
First, he is sooooooooooo sweet...

Second, he loves to eat...ehehe...lots!!
Remember this is yours??? =)
Third, he loves singing...(he got nice voice too..err..atleast for my ears..huhu)

Forth, he makes me smile and laugh everyday...ehe..so funny la dear!

Fifth, he is a smart guy..

Sixth, he is his beautiful mum's son..
Seventh, he is my greatest friend of all...
Last but not least...He is my Hubby-to-be..thanks dearie!

Dearie...no matter who you are...how you are...I just love you the way you are..You don't have to be somebody else to make me happy..
So, on your 24th birthday...i would like to wish you all the best in life, prosperous in your own way...be happy always..and thanks for being my most wonderful friend and partner! May Allah bless you and gives you good health! =)
Love you,
-Ur little Bunny-
hehehhehe..thanks so much dearie.. :)
most wc! =D
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