Termakbul jugak doa kami..Alhamdulillah..about 5 years ago, he was the one who was sooooo eager to get to know a person name...NURUL HAZWANI MOHD RUSHDI...i dunno where he got my number...he kept on calling..jamming my Nokia2100 wif all his miskols..huhu..i was so angry that time...then, at one moment...i wrote a message to him... "ape miskol2 nih??? Nak kena sepak ke???" Huhu...i bet he was shocked or maybe he was laughing..ehehe..i dun care!
Then..the wonderful time wif him begin..he is so gentleman...the way he talks and acts...hurm..i just dunno how to put it in words...One day..he old me that he already has someone else before he met me...But, he had chosen me...hope he was not in the wrong decision...time goes by...i am totally in love wif him...
Huh..pejam celik..pejam celik..dh 5thn lbh ktorg berkawan...lame kn? so, decide la utk make it official..xkawen lg...ikat dulu..ehehe
ha..nk smpai ke thp ini, mcm2 dugaan kami hadapi..dr dating jalan kaki ke naik moto...dr naik moto ke naik kete...kami ttp bersama...spnjg 5thn lbh ni,persefahaman antara kami boleh dikatakan sgggttttt baik..(ye kan syg??? huhu)..alhamdulillah...jarang sgt gaduh...coz dh 5thn lbh kowt...xde ape yg nk gdh pon..ehehe
24 SEPT 2009 yang lepas termeterai la separuh dr janji dia pd aku...katanya dpt keje je dia akan dtg mtk aku..YEZZZA! Dia sgt menepati janji..tp yg lbh baik berlaku sbb kami berdua sama2 berkerja..yeay!
I am so happy to have him and all members of his family..Setahun atau kurang setahun??? ehehe..Tgk keadaan..Thanks pd yg senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan hubungan kami..amin...